Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Betelgeuse using NexStar 8SE and Samsung Galaxy S5

On Tuesday November 1st, 2016 while surfing the sky for objects I saw a bright object through the branches of my backyard trees. It was rising in the East. I maneuvered my scope to it and was able to make out what I thought was a Nebula. I clicked on the detect option on the scope and it said it was McNeil's Nebula. In reality it was Betelgeuse. I used my Samgung Galaxy S5 phone to snap a few pictures. I processed these photos using Registax 6 and did the final processing with Paint Shop Pro 7 Ultimate. I zoomed into the object during processing. The seeing that night was excellent not a cloud in the sky. And I was not pointing in the direction of the city lights. My backyard is very dark no lights from the neighbors or street lights.

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